SaporDeals.Com Discount Card Fraud using Tele-Marketing with IVR

SaporDeals FraudIn Nov-2013, we alerted all our readers with the new kind of Credit Card fraud that is going on in India where your credit card details are divulged by you and essentially without full knowledge you authorize a transaction over the phone. A Reader of our website, Mr. Akhil Gupta writes to us on how he was victimized by a Fraudulent Discount Card Website. [73447.2]

I want to alert all readers that some part of my personal information of my SBI Credit Card was leaked and used for mis-selling of items by M/s Sapor Deal Karnal Haryana to me. On 20.11.2013, one phone call came on my mobile phone by a sales girl of above company, she told me that she was calling on behalf of SBI Credit Card department and told me that a credit card was issued in my name which would give me 25% discount in online purchases. She wanted to verify all my personal information & also send OTP password on by register mobile no. then another man Mr Rakesh Gupta took phone from the sales girl, he also verified all my card details then he told me that for this service a small amount Rs 630/- would be deducted from my credit card account and then he offered me complimentary shirt & shoes. I refused this transaction but he said that this transaction has already been made hence cannot be cancelled at this stage. After heavy discussions, he told me that after receive of the parcel th call him after that he would entertain the cancel request. Next day I received a SMS from M/S Sapor Virtue Deals that my complete package will be delivered to me in 15-20 days. Then I checked online card statement and found that Rs 6970/-have been deducted on the behalf of M/S Wealth Planner Associate Karnal from my account. I called SBI customer care to stop this transaction but he shown his inability told that he can’t stop this transaction of Dated 5.12.2013. I received the parcel than I again called Mr Rakesh Gupta. He told me that incorrect parcel has been sent to you. So he would send correct parcel again which you would be received within 7 -10 days. After that he would canceled my deal. About 25 days have already been passed but neither have I received correct parcel nor money back. Now he is also not attending my phone call. I doubt someone from your section is also helping these people. Please take strict action against these fake marketing companies and also for return of amount deducted from my account. Kindly take this matter MOST URGENT. Company Name: Sapor Deal. Marketing By: Wealth Planner Associate, Karnal 132001 Phone: 8930105354, 09212416686, +911165677443, +911164738584 Email

What is The Modus Operandi in this IVR based Credit Card Fraud ?
1. Companies like get hold of Credit Card Database from either Third Party Transaction Processing or from the Bank itself. [Finance Ministry is sleeping and is least bothered about the Crime]
2. They lie to the Customer saying they are calling from Credit Card Bank and when you divulge the Information, they record the same
3. Then they say a Discount Card will be issued etc and meanwhile in the background they start transaction processing using IVR. They say you will be charged a small amount for Discount Card i.e Rs 630 but you will be charged like Rs 6,700. Transaction goes through because you end up entering the PIN which is captured by a different device in the background.
4. To escape from the the clutches of law enforcement, they ship some third rate material to your address and retain proof of courier delivery and later in case of dispute they just wash-off their hands saying ordered items were shipped.

So we request readers not to divulge any sort of such information to random callers who claim to be from your credit card company.

5 thoughts on “SaporDeals.Com Discount Card Fraud using Tele-Marketing with IVR”

  1. Hi,
    This is to inform you that I have become the next victim of the same above mentioned fraud yesterday, 20/03.14. Rakesh Gupta, the same person as mentioned in above post has made a transaction of Rs. 7890/- on my SBI card. That girl had all my personal information and bank card details with her. This wouldn’t have possible without some one from SBI Customer care or Employee’s help to these cheaters.
    I have also alerted SBI customer care about it but they told me that the transaction has been made & can’t be reverted. Would like to alert all your readers to not to fall a pray to these scamsters!
    Is there any action that can take?

  2. Sir,
    I am next victim. Yesterday I got Rs.7890/= transferred to Wealth planner Association. SBI card customer Service told the transaction has already taken place and when they issue the claim after 21 days, Dispute Claim can be raised. Today I contacted Wealth planner association and informed them about my cancellation and they told the amount will be reverted to my account. Today Evening I got a SMS message from that my package will be delivered in 21 days. On contacting them and informing them that the deal is cancelled, they told they are raising request to cancel the package.

    Anybody knowledgeable in this regard may give suggestions regarding the same.

  3. Hi,
    I am also the victim for this Fraud. But before the transaction has made, i blocked my card by reading this review.
    Thank You very much Akhil.
    They told me that they are calling from HDFC Bank. Those people continuously called me from last 2 months to take that offer from this number -8930105354.
    Readers, please don’t fall into these scams. Be careful.


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