2nd Largest Credit Card Issuer in India with High Quality Assets

We have just now learnt from our sources in HDFC Bank that the company after merger with Centurion Bank of Punjab has become the second largest credit card issuer in India beating beleaguered Citibank and SBI-GE Money in the race. HDFC Bank now has a base of 4.2 mn credit card customers while Citi India has around 3.8 mn and SBI-GE Capital have around 3 mn customers.

Mr. Parag Rao of HDFC Bank said,

We have followed a consistent

Read more2nd Largest Credit Card Issuer in India with High Quality Assets

RBI Cracks Down on Banks with Credit Card Regulations

Breaking NewsA fortnight after landmark ruling by the Consumer Court on Credit Card APRs, the Reserve Banks of India worked round the clock and has cracked down on Banks and Financial Institutions with new set of Regulations. Our analyst in Mumbai was able to obtain the same and here are the RBI’s recommendations. [Our comments appear in Italics]

How Many Credit Cards is too much ?

Credit Card sales agents rank amongst the top 5 white collar liars in Indian business. When selling, they tell that everything you want is for FREE – Free cards, No joining fee, No service charge, low APR, Air miles or Cashback etc. This will lure any Indian to apply for one and head himself into the trap.

You must always ask how many cards it too much ?
Due to the nascent

Read moreHow Many Credit Cards is too much ?