The Indian Credit Card Industry is bogged down with Thousands of Complaints of Fraud and Disputed Charges. The RBI is trying its best and thus we approached the RBI with your questions and here is what the bank has to say.
As a Credit Card Customer of a Bank regulated by RBI, what are my rights when a fraudulent transaction occurs on my card which is reported to the bank as disputed transaction?
RBI’s Response is as follows,
(i)In terms of Paragraph 4 of the Master Circular on Credit Cards Operations [PDF] of Banks, Banks have been advised that the card issuing bank should ensure the wrong bills are not raised and issued to customers. In case, a customer protests any bill, the bank should provide explanation and if necessary documentary evidence to the customer within a maximum period of 60 days with the spirit to amicably redress the grievances
Read moreIndian Consumer Rights on Fraudulent Card Transactions + Disputed Charges